Friday, July 31, 2009

Rudy To Obama On Gatesgate: "Here's The Lesson. Shut Up."

I just loved this! After poking holes in Obamacare you could drive a semi through, Rudy Giuliani weighed on Obama's shooting his mouth off before knowing all the on the Gates arrest and Obama's remark that this was 'a teachable moment.'

Rudy's response? "He's actually right. It is teachable. Here's the lesson: Shut up."

Classic. And one reason he was my pick for the GOP nominee to go up against Obama after Duncan Hunter. Things would be very different right now if Rudy Giuliani was in the White House ..and he may just get there yet.


Lucas said...

Rudy doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell due to his abortion views.
Conservatives will never compromise on that. Look at McCain and his shape shifting.

Freedom Fighter said...

Hi Mats,
Hi Mats,
Actually, I don't think the abortion issue is his main weak point - it's the women.

If he had been caught in an affair and his wife had 'forgiven' him or covered for him ala' Clinton, or if SHE had been the one to dump him,no problem.

Because he was the dumper rather than the dumpee, there are a significant amount of women who will never vote for him, no matter how qualified or otherwise appealing he might be, or what the circumstances were behind his divorcing his wife.Ask som eof the women in your life, especially if they're married.

Actually, I think Giuliani's views on abortion are fairly mainstream.
He favors originalist judges on the Court ( which would likely have the effect of repealing Roe V Wade, a gross distortion of the Equal Protection clause in the Constitution) and leaving the matter to the states. He favors a ban on partial birth abortions unless the mother's life is threatened, and parental notification in the case of minors.

Most telling of all, he's smart enough to realize that the way to lessen the horrific toll of abortion is to fight the culture that trivializes it and makes it easy and acceptable and by providing funding for increased education and choices for pregnant women ( especially single mothers), not by criminalizing it across the board.


Lucas said...

Thanks for your reply. I hope I didn't come across as a bigot for saying that conservatives should rfeject him for him being "pro-choice".

I like Rudy bkz he is basly (remember the check he sent back to islamo-nazis after 9-11? How many would do that?).
Anyway, I think that you are right in the sence that fighting the culture is important also,and probably more important. However, even if the culture (and the law) condones it, I don't think that conservatives will give Rudy a "Go!" for 2012.

Just my humble right wing extremist oppinion..